home Care Program Cancer Care Program

Cancer Causing Factors
EBM’S Strategy to Eliminate Cancer
1. Why did cancer cells appear in my body? We need to find the cause.
2. Acknowledge that you have poor dietary habits and make the commitment to eat better.
3. Restore the digestive system and blood health by correcting eating habits, stabilize the immune system, and by calming the mind, maintain balance in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. This will enhance the immune system.
4. Through healthy eating habits, normalize the metabolism to minimize toxin production in the body.
5. Maintain the body’s “antioxidant environment” so that cancer cells eliminate themselves.
Preparing for Cancer Treatment Detox
Prepare thoroughly for regaining one's own natural treatment and recovery by reducing intake of toxins and increasing foods that promote excretion. Changing lifestyle habits to reduce the intake of processed foods, sugars, caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, or other chemicals or drugs to minimize the impact of toxins is necessary. One must drink plenty of water (fresh water), and increase intake of fruits or vegetables to enhance the utilization of nutrients (thereby reducing waste in the bloodstream) by increasing intake of fibers.
Detox and Immunity System Food Pyramid