home Care Program Obesity / Diet Care Program

Why is it easy to gain weight? Why is it hard to lose weight?
When most people diet, they solely focus on the number they see on the scale. As a result, they either starve themselves or drastically control their portions. Instead of losing fat, people lose necessary components such as moisture, protein or other minerals so that the cells become malnourished and water deficient. This results in rough skin and waste builds, escalating other skin problems. After dieting, people often experience the yo-yo phenomenon, and the body often becomes weak due to a lack of necessary components. If you are not eating much, but you are gaining weight or swelling, this means your body’s energy production and metabolism has been damaged. Stress, bad dietary habits, and pollution may upset the ability to maintain balance. You may be unable to control your appetite, and eat endlessly. On the other hand, you may have spent all your energy but not have an appetite, resulting in losing weight.
It’s hard to believe but it’s true! You can lose weight by changing what you eat.
EBM’s healthy diets are not extreme diets that control food amounts or require someone to eat only one type of food. By eating a diet that is customized to my own body, the efficiency of nutrients are optimized while the body is activated to eliminate unnecessary wastes and toxins. Digestion improves so healthy, clear skin is maintained. This is a new, healthy way of dieting that does not have any side effects such as lack of nutrients or the yo-yo phenomenon.